Tag Archives: anxiety

BREATHE: Right Now, It’s Like This

“In times of great struggle, when there is nothing else to rely on and nowhere else to go, it is the return to the moment that is the act of faith … From that point, openness to possibility, strength, patience, and courage can arise. Moment by moment we can find our way through.” ~ Sharon Salzberg

I’ve been thinking about this favorite quote of mine from one of my favorite teachers for a few weeks now, since it really encapsulates how we want to practice – especially when life starts to feel not only difficult but also maybe overwhelming.

Instead of rushing too far ahead into the future, or trying to retreat into the past, the teachings urge us instead to make a strong effort to come back home to this moment – just as it is, right now.

The reason for this – as Sharon so wisely noted – is that it is precisely in the present where we can regain our footing, and become more grounded, instead of feeling like we’re just sort of falling through space with nothing solid to hold onto.

And the good news is: if we can allow ourselves to actually rest in these moments of awareness, we’ll be better able to shore up our ability to respond to whatever’s happening with more calm, compassion, and wisdom, rather than reacting from a place of fear, anger, or hatred.

All of that being said, the thing we tend to forget the most when it feels like life has just pulled the rug out from under us – is the present moment itself!

So, sometimes we can all use a little help to remind us of our practice, so that we can more easily remember to return home to it, and begin again.

This month’s new talk: BREATHE: Right Now, It’s Like This offers us a variety of different ways that we can do this.

It includes a meditation at the end. As always, I hope that it will serve.

Just a few heads up!

1) In-person registration for the daylong retreat, “The Heart of Self-Compassion” to be held on Mar. 8 in Berryville, VA, is now FULL, but you can still join the waiting list! Spots often become available. Online streaming is still available.

3) There are only 8 spots left! for the 5-day meditation retreat April 24-28, LOVING YOURSELF: Nurturing the Heart Practices at Peterkin in Romney, WV.

4) The weeklong retreat Sept. 18 – 24, 2025 “THIS IS IT: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness” in Romney, WV has been starting to fill!

We hope that you can join us.

With care and much metta (loving-kindness),

~ Shell 🙏🏽💕