Warm greetings; thank you for visiting us, and for your interest in pursuing mindfulness meditation with us. We offer meditation retreats in the Northern Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, MD, WV, D.C., and nationally when invited..
While offering the teachings of Insight Meditation, we place great emphasis on the metta (loving-kindness) practices. Our hope is to guide you in nurturing even more kindness and compassion for yourself, others, and for all the situations you find yourself in throughout your life, through the heart-teachings and practices of mindfulness meditation.
We welcome both newcomers and more experienced practitioners, and promote the inclusion and participation of people of diverse identities, including those of all races, ethnicities, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities, classes, religions, and abilities … with the aspiration that all feel welcome, safe, and respected as we practice together in community.
With peace, Shell Fischer, founder and guiding teacher
READ 5-STAR REVIEWS of Shell & Mindful Shenandoah Valley Here

(We have secured exclusive use for all of these retreat centers, to help maintain Noble Silence)
(10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Both in-person & online options)
MAR. 8, 2025 – “The Heart of Self-Compassion,” in Berryville, VA
JUNE 7, 2025 – “Freedom from Fear & Worry,” in The Plains, VA
APR. 24-28, 2025, 5-DAY RETREAT – LOVING YOURSELF: Nurturing the Heart Practices, Peterkin Camp & Conference Center, Romney, WV
SEPT. 18-24, 2025, WEEKLONG RETREAT – THIS IS IT: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, Peterkin Camp & Conference Center, Romney, WV
Registration Opening Soon
JULY 12: Great Falls, VA
AUG. 16: The Plains, VA
NOV. 15: The Plains, VA
*STAY TUNED for more events
and/or JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER for updates
(*Along with teachings, news, and upcoming events, the newsletter includes a monthly dharma talk and meditation)